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Field of Activity

· Historic, modern and contemporary paintings
· Contemporary art such as sculptures/objects, installation art, kinetic art, performance art, time-based media art

Collection Care
· Developing and implementing conservation strategies for contemporary art collections
· Maintenance of modern and contemporary artworks and collections, whether they are on show or in storage
· Pest management

· Planning and overseeing the set-up and dismantling of exhibitions and artist projects (condition reporting; overseeing the installation, packing and unpacking of artworks; determining and monitoring the particular enviromental conditions such as light, relative humidity and temperature)
· Maintenance of temporary and permanent exhibitions

· Overseeing the installation, dismantelling, packing, transporting, handling and warehousing of single artworks, complex installations and entire exhibitions

Conservation Education

Organization and Planning of Symposia, Workshops and Studio Visits

Collecting and Conserving Performance Art: International Symposium, at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg/ Germany, German Association for Conservators-Restorers (Verband der Restauratoren VDR), in Collaboration with Eva Rieß, Esther Rapoport and Joanna Phillips, June 9 – 11, 2016
More info: www.restauratoren.de [See images here]

Bonding Plastics I: Studio visit at the art fabricator Sculpture Berlin/Germany, German Association for Conservators-Restorers (Verband der Restauratoren VDR), in Collaboration with Eva Rieß and Esther Rapoport, June 2014 [See images here]

Bonding Plastics II: Lecture by Claartje van Haaften: "Wie fest soll es sein? Konservatorische Überlegungen zur Kittung und Verklebung an Fallbeispielen von Carl Andre und Niki de St. Phalle", at studio Betakontext in Berlin/ Germany, German Association for Conservators-Restorers (Verband der Restauratoren VDR), in Collaboration with Eva Rieß and Esther Rapoport, June 2014 [See images here]

Bonding Plastics III: Workshop on “Filling and Adhering of Polyurethane (PUR) Hard- and Soft Foam in Conservation of Modern and Contemporary”, with lecturer Claartje van Haaften/ at Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin/ Germany, German Association for Conservators-Restorers (Verband der Restauratoren VDR), in Collaboration with Eva Rieß and Esther Rapoport, September 2014 [See images here]

Neon Glass Tubes: Production and Documentation
Workshop on “Fabricating and Handling Neon Glass Tubes” at the manufacturer “Neon-light” in Hannover/ Germany, German Association for Conservators-Restorers (Verband der Restauratoren VDR), in Collaboration with Eva Rieß and Esther Rapoport, June 2013
[See images here]

Tear Mending: Workshop on sewing tears in canvas paintings with lecturer Daniela Hedinger at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg/ Germany, German Association for Conservators-Restorers (Verband der Restauratoren VDR), in Collaboration with Eva Rieß, May 2011 [See images here]

Research Project

Andrea Sartorius participated in developing a research project in collaboration with scientists of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the University of Stanford and the University of Delft, in 2008/ 2009. The project aimed to examine and visualize a rejected and later overpainted portrait by Rembrandt Van Rijn (1606 – 1669) using a synchotron based xrf-scanning method. Her work has involved the planning and creating a series of complicated mock-ups for the project– including a full-scale re-creation of the painting – and two periods of residency at the synchrotron facilities at Stanford University during the test exposures.

More info: “Revealing hidden paint layers in oil paintings by means of scanning macro-XRF: a mock-up study based on Rembrandt's An old man in military costume”; Matthias Alfeld, Wout De Nolf, Simone Cagno, Karen Appel, D. Peter Siddons, Athony Kuczewski, Koen Janssens, Joris Dik, Karen Trentelman, Marc Walton and Andrea Sartorius; In: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, January 2013


Conservation of kinetic artworks – Documenting and exhibiting works of art incorperating movement, light and sound. One-day workshop for masters students at the University of Applied Science Berlin, Department of Conservation. The workshop was established and lectured in collaboration with Eva Rieß, Februar 2017

Handling and Conserving Contemporary Art Collections. Lecture, Frankfurt / Germany, Arbeitskreis Cooperate Collection/ Kulturkreis der Deutschen Wirtschaft, in collaboration with Eva Rieß, September 2013

Paintings Conservations – Preventive care and condition reporting. 10-day workshop at the Sharjah Museums Department, Sharjah/ UAE, Funded by the Goethe Institute and the Robert Bosch Foundation, in Collaboration with Eva Rieß, March 2010


Phillips, Joanna; Rapoport, Esther; Rieß, Eva; Sartorius, Andrea: “Erhalten und Sammeln von Performance-Kunst”; in: Restauro. Zeitschrift für Konservierung und Restaurierung. [Read more]

Sartorius, Andrea; Heitbrink, Mathhias: “Von Fichten und Tannen, von Wurst und Wurm”; in: Restauro. Zeitschrift für Konservierung und Restaurierung, Restauro 5/2015, pp 60 -61.

Sartorius, Andrea; Rieß, Eva: “Ein Besuch in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten. Der Paintings Conservation Workshop im Sharjah Museums Department”; in: Restauro. Zeitschrift für Konservierung und Restaurierung, Restauro 4/2010, pp.225-226.

Alfeld, Matthias; Sartorius, Andrea; et al.: “Revealing hidden paint layers in oil paintings by means of scanning macro-XRF: a mock-up study based on Rembrandt's An old man in military costume”, in: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. [Read more]
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